Unitas Centers: Koinonia, a Greek word meaning “joint participation” and Sorbornost, a Russian word meaning “unity” or “symphony,” best define the spirit of the Unitas Centers, which are committed to being a catalyst for Church unity. We strive to obtain a sense of communion and “freedom within unity,” in the spirit of the early Church Fathers.

Over the past three decades, we have maintained a presence in both the Washington, D.C. area and Rome, Italy. We also have developed close relationships with the bishop in Assisi, Italy, and Hungarian Cardinal Peter Erdo in Budapest, as well as a long-standing collaboration in Moscow with the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church and with the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul. These relationships offer us unique, inside access to these important focal points of faith. We will create spaces and opportunities for collaboration in all six of these locations, including unity-building conferences, round-table discussions, cultural events like concerts, and – of course – spiritual pilgrimages and retreats.